Kind of. For high DR photos, the lighter you make the darker portions, the more noisy they appear. So, even given that your taste might prefer lighter, the greater appearance of noise may make darker the more pleasing option.
Sometimes, I'll keep the highlights blown, too, or process the photo in a manner in which the highlights blow out.
Fair to say, since, as you note, we all have our own aesthetics. For example, in your edit, the sky was way too oversaturated for my tastes (not that I don't indulge in the same from time to time -- just not feeling it for this particular photo). Here's a third edit:

As a side, for me, the processing side of photography is more creative than taking the actual photograph. Like music covers, sometimes there's a clear "better", but more often, it's a matter of more or less equally good different versions. But, for sure, to each their own!