Yesterday the weather was fine when we started out, but black clouds soon rolled in.
First we went to Mayerling. This is the site of the hunting lodge of Rudolph, Crown Prince of Austria. You may recall that it is famous as the place of the suicide in January 1889 of this prince, the emperor's eldest son, after an unhappy life, made worse by public and court disapproval of his fight against anti-semitism. His lover died with him.

This was the report in the newspaper the next day:

It says His imperial and royal highness the most serene Crown Prince Archduke Rudolph departed suddenly of a heart attack yesterday, the 30th of the month, between 7 and 8 hours in the early morning in his hunting lodge in Mayerling near Baden. First published in 1703, the Wiener Zeitung was the newspaper of official report in Austria until it ceased publication in print form at the end of June this year -- a victim of the Internet. Of course, the circumstances of the prince's death and that of his lover were quite scandalous, and attempts were naturally made to hush up the story. More details here.
This is the view looking the other direction:

We then drove to Heiligenkreuz, the site of the Holy Cross monastery. The sun came out briefly.

In the grounds there is a fascinating sundial. I could not make out much about the mosaic on it. The gnomon is some 15 ft or more tall, triangular and faced with glass. By this time the clouds were gathering!

We drove home in rain, with a magnificent rainbow -- not illustrated because yours truly had to concentrate hard on the driving!