• Members 34 posts
    May 29, 2023, 5:10 p.m.


    I’m jealous. Never seen one of these, let alone photographed one. Are they easy to approach?

  • Members 34 posts
    May 29, 2023, 5:19 p.m.

    Nice set of photos Paul.

    I think my favourites are the black duck and the Darter. I’ve been tempted by the R8. Have to do a bit more saving up though. Glad you like yours.

  • Members 643 posts
    May 29, 2023, 5:46 p.m.

    Very nice photo Ray.
    Is she a wild fox?

  • Members 643 posts
    May 29, 2023, 5:49 p.m.

    The buttercups are out!



    OOC JPGs, taken on 28/05/23.


    JPG, 371.9 KB, uploaded by Dunlin on May 29, 2023.


    JPG, 320.3 KB, uploaded by Dunlin on May 29, 2023.

  • Members 1619 posts
    May 29, 2023, 6:33 p.m.


    That's wonderful seeing these photos. Does the Canon R8 accept EF mounted lenses using autofocus with an adaptor?

  • Members 1619 posts
    May 29, 2023, 6:37 p.m.


    Thanks. I'm glad you liked Photo No. 8. 😀

  • Members 577 posts
    May 29, 2023, 6:40 p.m.

    Normally they are not easy to see, but this little one was crossing the hikingtrail and we stayed calm and let it in peace 😉
    Carefully I could approach it reasonable close sitting on my knees (made this one with the 35mm macro)

  • Members 1619 posts
    May 29, 2023, 6:40 p.m.


    Thanks for sharing with us your photo of the Laxenburg Castle. That's amazing that it is so old and that it looks so nice at the same time.

  • Members 1619 posts
    May 29, 2023, 6:42 p.m.


    That's a neat photo of the fox. How did you get so close? Was it afraid of you?

  • Members 1619 posts
    May 29, 2023, 6:45 p.m.


    Thanks for your comments on my air show photos. Yes, the first day in the evening was something I wasn't expecting. Sometimes photos at dusk can give us opportunities that we would not expect.

  • Members 1619 posts
    May 29, 2023, 6:48 p.m.


    I like seeing the bright yellow colors. I was also taking pictures of flowers on Saturday. Spring is that time of year when they are looking so fresh.

  • Foundation 1438 posts
    May 29, 2023, 7:04 p.m.

    On the way out of town to Laxenburg we passed this memorial. It is called Spinnerin am Kreuz (The lady spinner on the cross).

    According to this website, "several legends are associated with the spinner on the cross. According to the most well-known, a newlywed woman waited day after day for her husband's return home at the very spot on the Wienerberg where she said goodbye to him when he left on a crusade. She passed the time and the gloomy thoughts by spinning. After two years of work, she had a statue erected with the proceeds from her spinning and from a house in the city that she sold, where previously there had only been a simple wooden wayside cross. She now waited day after day for her husband's return at this memorial that she had donated. The hard-working and loyal wife was already popularly known as "the spinner on the cross". When the crusader finally returned home after a three-year absence, the long-awaited reunion took place at the statue on the Wienerberg. According to this legend, the returnee also brought a new spice, namely saffron from the Orient to Vienna.

    I had passed this memorial many times before and always wanted to look more closely. Today was the day. One of the tramlines goes very close, though it took ages to get there. As today was a public holiday (Whit Monday), the traffic was light and I was able to stand in the middle of the road and take this photo.

    Although the sign says it was built in 1452, that is not true: this is a reconstruction after WW-II. I found it impossible to see all the figures inside the memorial, which is a pity.




    JPG, 2.4 MB, uploaded by davidwien on May 29, 2023.

  • Foundation 1438 posts
    May 29, 2023, 7:21 p.m.

    Dig, your plane shots are great. Something that we dont see around here. Lots of patience, and probably a crick in the neck goes into those! I also liked #10 from the first set and #8 from the second set -- and a nice sunset.

    The strengths and interests of our contributors are becoming clear. Steve is a flowers photographer, as is Ray, Fotoword is good on waterfowl. I particularly liked the one of the Purple Swamp Hen -- I have never met one. Last year I took lots of photos of swans with their young on the Danube -- nearly time again for that this year. In July I collect their discarded feathers and eventually use them in my harpsichords.

    Ray's fox was presumable further away than he looks... Great shot. Snakes, or lizards are back again. I never see any of those here!

    Dunlin's buttercups remind me of Wordsworth's daffodils: I wandered lonely as a cloud...

    And that reminds me: I passed the Volksgarten in the tram today, and see that the roses have come on a lot in the last week or so. Another trip is called for...

    I seem to be the one who concentrates on pieces of stone. But I hasten to add that although they dont move, taking photos of them has its own challenges.

    Thanks to all for sharing.


  • Members 34 posts
    May 29, 2023, 7:51 p.m.

    Lovely photos Dunlin

  • Members 252 posts
    May 29, 2023, 7:55 p.m.

    @Dunlin, @Digirame

    Some of the foxes over at the Veluwe and other area's in the Netherlands were being fed by people, from dog treats to pieces of fruit and who knows what else... This fox came running from the bushes and sat itself down very close where I was when photographing some deer so I couldnt resist taking a few shots before moving on. I did not share anything to eat with it though as some of these foxes get too much accustomed to people and are being put down by the local rangers as they are considered dangerous towards young children. The last known case (to me) of such a fox was an individual some years ago which was so tame it jumped into a car to steal food from a todler and was put down as a result of that...

    People always love it at first, being all empathic, sharing their food with wild creatures, marveling about how sweet and tame the animals get but it never ends well, for the animal that is. Same with people giving (old) bread, and other (wheat) flour products, to ducks and geese which shortens their life considerably since their digestive tract isnt equipped to handle such food. It is also one of the main reasons a lot of bird species living in cities undergo unhealthy mutations, from crows turning more white with each new generation, and with a reduced lifespan, to malformed pigeons and sparrows.

    It always gets to me, sorry about that 😊 the other side also exists while some of those species are more succesful than ever as more food equals more hatchlings.

  • Members 1619 posts
    May 29, 2023, 8:11 p.m.


    Thanks for the narrative about the lady spinner on the cross. That makes the memorial all that more interesting. It looks very ornate, something that must have taken a lot of time to construct.

  • Members 1619 posts
    May 29, 2023, 8:15 p.m.


    Yes, feeding wild animals sometimes can lead to problems where dangerous conditions could develop. Where I live most people now do not feed the ducks and geese bread, at least at this one park where I visit (from what I observed). At our retail stores, we have large bags of bird seed that people can buy to use instead. It's rather inexpensive. I've never used bird seed yet to draw the ducks closer, but it's been tempting.

  • Members 176 posts
    May 29, 2023, 9:53 p.m.

    Thank you kindly for the reply and your comments.
    The R8 is a very responsive tool because of the new processor and the autofocus is highly reactive which makes it easier to follow moving subjects or still subjects without needing to focus and recompose.

    But if you already have good skills then this is just another aid. (In my case I need all the help I can get 😃)

    I think the overriding factor is to get out there when you can and grab some photos.
    That's what make these devices fun to own regardless of the spec sheet.
